What Is HGH? Everything You Need to Know

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Understanding our bodies’ natural hormones and chemicals plays a vital role in improving and prolonging health as we get older. Every age brings its own challenges, and the right treatments and supplements can make a significant difference in well-being.

HGH is one such hormone that has gained a lot of attention in recent years- thanks to its versatile uses and impressive effects. In this guide, we answer the question, ‘What is HGH?’, and look at several other important considerations for anyone exploring HGH injections as a potential treatment.

ECBT is a reputable provider of tested HGH injections and takes pride in helping people educate themselves on ways to improve their health.

A Bit of Background on HGH

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HGH stands for human growth hormone, which is also known as somatostatin. It is, as the name suggests, a natural peptide hormone produced in humans that regulates growth- but it does a lot more than that.

Scientific research into HGH initially focused solely on the relationship between this pituitary-based hormone and development during childhood- specifically bone and muscle mass development. Since then, further research suggests that HGH is also responsible- or at least impactful- for many other functions within the human body throughout a person’s life.

From rectifying short stature in children to helping adults improve their memory- the range of proposed uses for HGH covers many elements of health and well-being.

It is worth noting that HGH treatment is FDA-approved- but only for certain conditions. HGH is not recognized as a performance enhancement solution or anti-aging remedy, although it is commonly used as both. Some people also use HGH for weight loss, thanks to its metabolic effects and ability to break down excess belly fat.

Human Growth Hormone Production

Human growth hormone is produced in the brain and secreted into the bloodstream. It is made up of 191 amino acids but consists of just a single chain.

Production is primarily controlled by three things:

  • Somatostatin levels- produced in different tissues throughout the human body
  • Growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) which is made in the hypothalamus
  • Ghrelin, which comes from within the gastrointestinal tract

This all culminated in the pituitary gland, which releases bursts of HGH regularly- but in varying levels. How much is produced and released depends on many different factors. When there is not enough being produced naturally, people may turn to HGH injections.

HGH and the Pituitary Gland

The pituitary gland is responsible for natural growth hormone secretion in the human body. This crucial part is located near the base of the brain and is made up of two very small glands (together, they are no bigger than a pea). It is the back section (the posterior gland) that specifically controls the creation and release of HGH.

Throughout childhood and puberty, the pituitary gland is at its most active. It starts to slow down once we reach middle age, and the levels of HGH produced start to decline. In most people, this gradual process is controlled and maintained successfully by the gland. However, it sometimes happens too quickly, which can lead to complications.

What Is the Primary Function of HGH?

Human growth hormone (HGH) performs many functions at various points in life. Its primary function is to grow, strengthen, and maintain a person’s bones, muscles, and vital organs.

Arguably the most important job HGH plays is during childhood and puberty. It controls physical growth by communicating with bone and cartilage cells and telling them to multiply. During periods of rapid body changes, HGH is the fuel that keeps things in shape and progressing successfully.

Another key function of human growth hormone (HGH) is to boost levels of insulin-like growth factor 1, which is a special hormone that manages blood sugar levels. Without it, people may experience high blood sugar, high cholesterol, and weight control issues.

HGH function changes slightly depending on the stage of life you are in. It is all about healthy growth in young people, then becomes more about maintenance as you move toward middle age. From middle age onward, natural HGH levels tend to drop, which is partially responsible for certain physical health issues people face later in life.

Why is Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Important?

Without HGH and other pituitary hormones, children do not grow and develop as they are supposed to. Low levels lead to not only short stature, but lack of bone density, muscle weakness, and other life-impacting health conditions.

In adults, HGH levels are important as they contribute to many areas of health. It may not seem like middle-aged people need growth hormones, but they need them just as much as youngsters. As we get older, human growth hormone secretion influences our energy levels, body weight, sex hormones, immune system, and bone health.

Understanding Growth Hormone Deficiency

What Is HGH

As we have already talked about, HGH is naturally secreted by the pituitary gland- but what happens when people don’t have enough of it? Determining ‘normal levels’ of HGH isn’t always simple. They vary depending on a person’s age, sex, insulin-like growth factor 1 level, metabolism, and what time of day it is (HGH levels rise and fall throughout the day).

With that in mind, here are examples of what are considered the normal ranges of growth hormone levels.

  • Men: 18-44 pmol/L
  • Women: 44-616 pmol/L
  • Children: 440-2200 pmol/L

When people fall below the minimum number, they are considered to have a GH deficiency and may require supplements to combat symptoms and side effects. Here is some more information about what a growth hormone deficiency can look like and the impact it often has on health.

In Children

Low growth hormone levels are more common in children. The lack of HGH in children is closely linked with stunted growth and bone density issues. Poor growth is not exclusively caused by a growth hormone deficiency, but it is a leading factor.

Children affected by an HGH deficiency may not grow at the rate they are expected to and they may have weaker bones and less strength in their muscles. Taking HGH supplements won’t necessarily make short children taller if they are otherwise healthy, but it can improve bone growth and density.

In Adults

Sometimes, issues with the pituitary gland or hypothalamus can materialize later in life, leading to adult-onset growth hormone deficiencies. While this doesn’t have the same impact on general growth as it does when children are still developing, it can lead to a number of complications.

An HGH deficiency is harder to identify in adults- since the symptoms vary depending on age, gender, lifestyle, and metabolism- among other things. Some of the more common health issues that can manifest due to a lack of HGH production include loss of skeletal muscle mass, increased belly fat, and osteoporosis.

What are HGH Injections?

What Is HGH

Somatocrinin, combined with growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), stimulates HGH production. It is used in synthetic HGH injections.

Human growth hormone (HGH) injections are synthetic replicas of the naturally occurring hormones produced through the pituitary gland. Although treatments are also available as pills and sprays, injections are the only form in which supplements of the hormone are approved by the FDA.

They are available to purchase in packs with multiple individual doses, based on prescribed or recommended amounts. It is important to source treatments through reputable companies such as ECBT- and to stick to the dosages and HGH cycles that are recommended for your condition.

What are Synthetic Growth Hormone Injections Used For?

The purpose of synthetic human growth hormone treatments is to supplement a low natural supply in the body. Injections are FDA-approved for those with deficiencies to help treat symptoms and improve general health.

They are used to treat children and adults- predominantly for the improvement of physical challenges that come from having low HGH levels due to a deficiency.

Helping Develop Healthy Growth in Children with a Growth Hormone Deficiency

Doctors can prescribe HGH to children with growth hormone deficiencies if they feel it will make a difference in their development. It is not meant to be given to children with normal levels of human growth hormone to try to make them taller.

If a young person is struggling to naturally develop sufficient bone mass, a supplement can make a difference. It promotes bone growth and muscle strength, which can benefit overall growth through adolescence.

Treating the Effects of Adult Growth Hormone Deficiency

HGH is used to treat the side effects of adult growth hormone deficiency, which include:

  • Body fat increases
  • Low bone density
  • Lack of muscle growth
  • Fatigue
  • Poor memory
  • Depression and anxiety

What are the Benefits of Taking a Human Growth Hormone Supplement?

What Is HGH

With the right dosage over the right cycle, growth hormone injections can offer several benefits. Here is an overview of the key advantages of taking these treatments.

  • They boost growth in children who have lower natural growth hormone levels.
  • HGH treatments can reduce excess fat around the waist.
  • Muscle mass may be improved by using HGH- and it can reduce joint and muscle pain during training sessions. It helps promote lean body mass.
  • Your memory can improve with regular HGH treatment.
  • People who suffer from fatigue often report having more energy when taking human growth hormone injections.
  • Some studies show that HGH can reduce the risk of heart disease in adults.
  • Increased bone density and bone growth are two of the core benefits of HGH supplements.
  • The anti-catabolic effects of HGH are highly beneficial for people who suffer from mental health issues such as anxiety, stress, and depression.
  • Human growth hormone also benefits the immune system by boosting various immune cells in the body.
  • HGH is believed to have anti-aging properties, although there is not any conclusive evidence to confirm this is true.

The many HGH benefits make it a versatile and highly in-demand product. It is important to read reliable evidence before deciding whether or not it is right for you.

Are There Any Side-Effects from HGH Treatments?

Like many hormone-based injections, there are some potential risks and side effects associated with HGH. Whether you suffer from an HGH deficiency or have other health concerns for which this treatment is appropriate, it is important to understand what complications you could possibly experience.

  • Joint pain and muscle pain
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • Breast tissue growth in men
  • Edema (arm and leg swelling)
  • Higher resistance to insulin
  • Higher risk of developing some types of cancer
  • Increased risk of type 2 diabetes

There is not enough data on the lasting impact of HGH injections in healthy adults to draw detailed conclusions. It is only recommended to take these treatments if you have a genuine condition for which the human growth hormone is prescribed.

Unfortunately, growth hormone abuse is a genuine concern. Some people take it to improve athletic performance, sexual function- or in an attempt to slow aging. Using HGH alongside other performance-enhancing drugs can be dangerous- and is not an FDA-approved reason to take injections.

Beating the natural aging process is a goal for a lot of people, and many different drugs and hormone treatments are used for this reason- HGH included. Many anti-aging clinics promote it, but there is no FDA backing or scientific data to show it actually works.

How can HGH Levels be Increased?

While synthetic growth hormone supplements are sometimes the only solution for those with a medical deficiency, there are other ways to boost HGH.

If you are wondering how to increase HGH levels naturally, high-quality sleep and sufficient rest have a significant impact- as does regular physical activity. Some evidence suggests intermittent fasting can also help naturally boost HGH secretion in adults.

Find Reliable Human Growth Hormone Treatments at ECBT

What Is HGH

ECBT is a reputable source of approved synthetic human growth hormone injections. If you have a condition that requires an HGH supplement, you can buy tested and regulated products on our site.

We sell a range of pharma-grade HGH products in varying dosages. Each one is tested and packaged under strict laboratory standards before being shipped to ensure the best and safest experience for clients.

You can find a range of kits and premixed injection pens- including Zptropin, Genotrpoin, and Cinnatropin– designed for simple and effective HGH treatments. Products are securely shipped across the country and come in a range of concentrations and dosages.

Speak to a healthcare provider about HGH to find out the best solution and treatment plan for your requirements.


What Is HGH

Growth hormones play crucial roles in various aspects of our general health- whether or not you suffer from a deficiency. Those who do have issues with pituitary hormones, poor bone density, or any other relevant genetic disorder could significantly improve their life and well-being by taking an HGH treatment- as long as they do so responsibly.

ECBT can help people access the treatments they need and start making positive changes. Learn more today about what HGH injections could do for you.

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